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🚚 甜蜜堂 Sweet Mall - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (KL)
McDonald’s & McCafé | 麥當勞 & McCafé
珍珍泰國菜 Zhen Zhen Thai Food
Dough Bros Quarry Bay - Pizza & Doughnuts
Tasty正斗 - Central
Paradise Dynasty 樂天皇朝
⭐ Lee's chicken Hof and Soju
Sister Wah 華姐清湯腩
Dough Bros Tai Hang - Pizza & Doughnuts
Karui Bento
水門雞飯 Water Gate Chicken Rice
JoJo Indian Cuisine
Harvest House Sushi 家賀屋刺身壽司專門店
九份飽 Jiu Fen Full
千樂燒味餐室 Happy Kitchen
天然豚骨拉麵專門店一蘭 ICHIRAN
秋意 Autumn Feeling
McDonald's 麥當勞
南記粉麵 Nam Kee Spring Roll Noodle
上海弄堂菜肉餛飩 Shanghai Lane
Wing Fat Restaurant 榮發茶餐廳
Baan Thai